Dr. Mailer API Documentation

Welcome to the Dr. Mailer REST API specification.

Welcome to the Dr. Mailer REST API specification.

API Base URL: https://api.doctor-mailer.com/


Autopilot is our mailing system. Here you can find all the functions to control it.

Create a new list


Create a new list.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
list_name string The list name to create required
location string The location of the new list required
value string The file handler required
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"[FILE-NAME]":{"status":"Success","name":"UK_MyList_1","load_id":"QTExNjJJMzAq"}}
Failure {"[FILE-NAME]":{"status":"Error:Invalid file"}}

Get Load List Status


Get the loading status of a given list.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The load ID required
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"QTExNjJJMzAq":{"status":"done"}}
Failure {"QTExNjJJMzAq":{"status":"Error:Can't check load status for QTExNjJJMzAq"}}

Delete a List


Permanently delete a list

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The list name to delete required
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"ENG_FILE_NAME_20":1}
Failure {"ENG_FILE_NAME_20":0}

Unsubscribe a lead from all your lists


Unsubscribe a given lead from all the lists

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The email-address to unsubscribe required
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"from@domain.com":1} #<= can be any number higher than zero
Failure {"from@domain.com":0}

Resubscribe to all lists


Resubscrube a lead to all the lists it was part of.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The email-address to resubscribe required
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"from@domain.com":1} #<= can be any number higher than zero
Failure {"from@domain.com":0}

Subscribe an email address to a list


Subscrube a lead to a specific list.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The email-address to subscribe required
list_name string The name of the list required
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"from@domain.com":"OK Subscribed to: LIST"}
Failure {"from@domain.com":"OK Already subscribed to: LIST"}

Get a List


Get a list.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The list name required
search string Search specific leads optional
records_start int The record number to start from optional
page_size int How many leads to fetch optional
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"ENG_LIST_NAME":{"Data":[["1","from@domain.com"," ","2019-01-07 14:21:07","Dave"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","No","No","Yes","No","No"],["2","fron2@domain.com"," ","2019-01-07 14:21:07","David"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","No","No","Yes","No","No"]],"RecordsFiltered":"2","TotalRecords":"2"}}
Failure {"ENG_LIST_NAME":[],"RecordsFiltered":-1,"TotalRecords":-1}}

Get Lists


Get lists.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"Results":["ENG_LIST_NAME1","ENG_LIST_NAME2"]}

Get Lists Per Location


Get all the lists per the given location.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The location required
search string Search specific lists optional
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"UK":["UK_LIST_NAME1"]}
Failure {"UK":[]}

Get List Stats


Get stats for a given list.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The list name required
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"UK_LIST_NAME1":{"master":"2","success":"0","failed":"0","deferral":"0","clicked":"0","opened":"0","unsubscribed":"0"}}
Failure {"UK_LIST_NAME1":{"master":-1,"success":-1,"failed":-1,"deferral":-1,"clicked":-1,"opened":-1,"unsubscribed":-1}}

Register a Webform Lead


Register a lead to a Webform.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The email-address to register required
formid int The form ID to register the email to required
personalizations json Personalization fields names are set per user
so please contact us to get them for your user
secret string The secret required

Get a Webform Optin Info


Get info about a given Webform optin lead.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The email-address to register required
formid int The form ID to register the email to required
secret string The secret required

Create a Creative


Create a new creative.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The email-address to register required
creative_name string The name to give to the new creative required
subject string The subject line required
from_name string The from name required
from_address string The from email address required
replyto_name string The replyto name required
subject string The subject line required
replyto_address string The replyto email address required
content string The content - HTML vertion required
content_text string The content - TEXT vertion optional
location string The location of the new creative required
extra_link_params string The params to bind to the use click optional
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"ENG_CREATIVE_NAME":{"status":"Success","name":"ENG_SYSTEM_CREATIVE_NAME"}}

Delete a Creative


Delete a creative.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The creative (name) to delete required
secret string The secret required
Response Body

Get Creatives


Get Creatives.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"Results":{"1":"ENG_CREATIVE_NAME1","2":"ENG_CREATIVE_NAME1"}}

Get Creatives Per Location


Get creatives per the given location.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The location of the creatives required
search string Search specific leads optional
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Failure {"DE":[]}

Get Creative


Get a creative content.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The creative name required
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"ENG_SYSTEM_CREATIVE_NAME":{"headers":[...],"body":"Html content","clickthru":"","status":"1"}}
Failure {"ENG_SYSTEM_CREATIVE_NAME":{"headers":-1,"body":-1,"clickthru":-1,"status":"ERROR:Can't find creative ENG_DrMailer_Test"}}

Get Tunnels


Get the tunnels list.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"Results":{"1":{"id":"1","desc":"TUNNEL_NAME","speed":3000,"publish_date":"2018-04-08 08:33:31"}}}

Get Top Tunnels Per Location


Get tunnels ordered by success rate per location.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The location required
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"UK":{"1":{"id":"1","desc":"TUNNEL1","num_of_ips":6,"success_rate":98,"total_score":91,"speed":3000,"publish_date":"2018-11-10 11:33:03"},"2":{"id":"2","desc":"TUNNEL1","num_of_ips":6,"success_rate":91,"total_score":86,"speed":3000,"publish_date":"2018-10-15 15:03:02"}}}

Get Tunnel Speed


Get the recommended speed of a tunnel.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
tunnel_id int The ID of the tunnel required
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"Results":3000}
Failure {"Results":-1}

Send Campaign


Send a new campaign.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
tunnel_id int The ID of the tunnel required
list_name string The name of the list required
creative_name string The name of the creative required
throttle_per_hour int Number of messages per hour required
mailing_name string The name of the campaign optional
segment int The segment ID to send. Default is ALL.
sched_datetime string Date-time to sent the campaign (default "" == now) optional
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"Results":"70435"}
Failure {"Results":"ERROR:Failed to campaign: No such list-ZZ_SAGI_TEST2_20"}
{"Results":"ERROR:Failed to campaign: Unknown creative"}

Send Oneoff


Send a "oneoff" - an email to a specific email address (not a list).

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
creative_name string The name of the creative required
tracking_url string The URL you want Dr Mailer to send you
notifications about events
value string The email address to send the email to required
tunnel_id int The ID of the tunnel optional
personalizations json Personalization fields names are set per user
so please contact us to get them for your user
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"to@domain.com":"11f130399de2902e1bb56cf8a104b318"}
{"11f130399de2902e1bb56cf8a104b318":{"event":"success","event_message":"250 2.0.0 OK 1547542201 q15si2672229pgm.420 - gsmtp"}}
{"11f130399de2902e1bb56cf8a104b318":{"event":"view","email":"elgavon@gmail.com","timestamp":"1547543013","useragent":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)","ip":""}}
{"11f130399de2902e1bb56cf8a104b318":{"event":"click","email":"elgavon@gmail.com","timestamp":"1547543269","useragent":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)","ip":""}}

Get History Campaigns


Get campaigns history log.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
search string Search specific leads optional
records_start int The record number to start from optional
page_size int How many leads to fetch optional
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"Results":{"data":[{"mail_id":"1","start_time":"1\/22 21:16","end_time":"1\/22 21:18","ip_group_description":"TUNNEL1","mailing_name":"MAILING_NAME","bodyfile":"CREATIVE_NAME","list":"ENG_LIST_NAME","sent":"100","total":"300","sent_per":"100%","success":"100","success_per":"100.0%","failure":"0","failure_per":"00.0%","deferral":"0","deferral_per":"00.0%","autoblock":"0","autoblock_per":"00.0%","viewed":"23","clicked":"15"},{"mail_id":"1","start_time":"1\/22 21:16","end_time":"1\/22 21:18","ip_group_description":"TUNNEL1","mailing_name":"MAILING_NAME","bodyfile":"CREATIVE_NAME","list":"ENG_LIST_NAME","sent":"52","total":"100","sent_per":"52%","success":"52","success_per":"100.0%","failure":"0","failure_per":"00.0%","deferral":"0","deferral_per":"00.0%","autoblock":"0","autoblock_per":"00.0%","viewed":"8","clicked":"3"}}

Get Current Campaigns


Get current running campaigns log.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"Results":{"10436":1,"10437":1}}
Failure {"Results":[]}

Get Success Rate Per Campaign


Get success rate per campaign.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The campaign ID required
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"10436":"100.00"}
Failure {"10436":"0.00"}

Get Campaign Stats


Get campaign stats.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The campaign ID required
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"10436":{"total":10000,"sent":10000,"success":9987,"viewed":2346,"clicked":625,"unsubscribed":10}}
Failure {"10436":{"total":null,"sent":null,"success":null,"viewed":null,"clicked":null,"unsubscribed":null}}

Delete a Campaign


Permanently delete a campaign. This command is irreversible and its going to delete all the stats of this campaign as well.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The campaign ID required
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"17688":"1"}
Failure {"17688":"ERROR: Failed to delete campaign 17688"}

Cancel a Campaign


Cancel a campaign and stop it from running.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The campaign ID required
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"10441":1}
Failure {"10441":0}

Pause a Campaign


Pause a campaign.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The campaign ID required
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"10441":1}
Failure {"10441":0}

Resume a Campaign


Resume a campaign.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The campaign ID required
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"10441":1}
Failure {"10441":0}

Leads Surgeon

Leads Surgeon is our list hygiene service. Here you can find all the functions to control it.

Check inline specific emails


Check specific emails.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string Emails to check (separated with \n) required
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"from@domain.com":0}
Failure {"from@domain.com":1}

List Hygiene (File)


Check a file (upload a file for checking).

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The file handler required
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"Results":{"status":"Success","id":"QTExNjJJMzAq"}}
Failure {"Results":{"status" => "Error:Invalid file"}}

File Cleaning Status


Check the cleaning status of a file.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The cleaning ID required
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"QTExNjJJMzAq":{"total":2000,"done_percent":100,"good":1000,"bad":1000}}

Download File Cleaning Results


Get the cleaning results once the process is done.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
value string The cleaning ID required
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success A zip file content
Failure {"QTExNjJJMzAq":{"ERROR":"Still in process"}}

Upload Results To Autopilot


Upload the good leads to a list in the Autopilot mailing system.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
list_name string The list name to create required
location string The location of the new list required
value string The cleaning ID required
secret string The secret required
Response Body
Success {"QTExNjJJMzAq":1}

List Hygiene And Upload Results To Autopilot


Clean a file and upload automatically the good leads to a list in the Autopilot mailing system.

Request Headers
authorization: Bearer [YOUR-KEY]
Request Body
list_name string The list name to create required
location string The location of the new list required
value string The file handler required
secret string The secret required